We don’t let anything slip through, or leave things where they shouldn’t be. We use our in-depth expertise and years of experience to focus on removing particles from the air, gas or fluids.
Our POROPLAST product, a polymer sintered plastic that we developed in our company, is still being enhanced:
special properties are, for instance: hydrophylicity, antistatic behaviour, absorption of unwanted materials, colouring and improved strength and rigidity.
Everything in our company is porous – except the quality controls of course!
QUALITY is written with a capital Q in our company. This begins in the development phase and continues throughout all production creation phases through to the final inspection, producing perfect results that give you no reason to worry.
We focus on personal support and know-how instead of call centres and mass-produced goods.
We develop, design, mill, lathe and test until the results are right – for small charges, drawing-conform customised charges and 0-series, likewise for large series.
Durst Filtertechnik – Strong in:
customer-oriented problem solutions in the fields of filtration, compressed air damping and fluidisation of powder-like materials.
Compressed air silencing
Porous products with a capillary effect
Porous moulds
Sintered plastics
Discharge hoppers for bulk goods
0-series, small series
Large series productions
Drawing-conform individual productions
Folded filters, pleated
Exhaust air filter
Aeration elements
Fabric filter
Filter housing
Filters for industrial applications
Before it is used, the polymer raw material POROPLAST is classified into defined grain size ranges and the corresponding grain structure. It can be modified by adding additives.
We produce folded filters to customer specifications and/or drawings. We use our machine pool to manufacture pleated folded filter cartridges in different models based on drawings.
There are standardised, single-place injection moulded housings available. In the case of special applications, housings can be designed and constructed to valid tank regulations, either by sub-suppliers or in our own company.
We are inventors from Swabia.
We build our own production machines. We require perfect machines to achieve optimum results and to ensure a constant level of quality. We do indeed have these but we develop and produce them in-house!